
Mughal Garden


Mulch annually.

Mulching is an important part of rain garden maintenance. Mulch keeps the soil moist, allowing for easy infiltration of rain water. Un-mulched surfaces may develop into a hardpan, a condition in which the soil surface becomes cemented together, forming a hard, impervious layer. Mulching also protects plants and reduces weed growth. Each spring, rain gardens should be re-mulched with 2-3 inches of hardwood mulch.

Minimize sediment flow into the garden.

Sediment in a rain garden can decrease runoff infiltration, and also kill plants. Do not construct your garden until development is established and the land surrounding your home is stable. If a construction project is being planned near your home, it will be best to wait and install your rain garden after the project has been completed.

Weed, prune, and water your garden, especially during plant establishment.

Depending on the selected garden design, there will be varying degrees of weeding and pruning involved. It is important to weed regularly during plant establishment, as newly planted species may have a tough time competing with weeds. Once plants become established, less weeding will be required. Rain gardens should be pruned to keep them looking nice, unless the “wild-look” is desired. The plants in your rain garden will need to be watered regularly during establishment to ensure healthy growth. Once established, plants should be watered in long periods of drought.

Keep your garden healthy and clean.

Rain gardens should be periodically cleared of dead vegetation and any debris that may collect. Replanting may be necessary over time. If a plant is not doing so well in one location of the garden, it may have to b

ไฟล์:Agony in the Garden.jpg

ภาพถ่าย 294: With the entry of the garden of the good Administrator

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