The kinds of Flowers

A Visit To Castle Rock Nursery

It was off to a favorite nursery the other day and was I excited! The weather was great and the nursery is a quaint little place that I like going to. I love the way they display their flowers, the variety that they have in plants and sizes and there is seating everywhere. This comes in handy for people who can't walk very far, like myself after having major back surgery I don't walk long distances well. They have something to sit on every so often. The service is great too - they just get points everywhere so why wouldn't I go back? Click any of the pictures for larger views.

I do like their primitive old zig zag fence dividers for plants.
This antique treadle sewing machine makes a great display.
A bench, also for sale, with Hens and Chicks - oops forgot to check and see if they had any that I don't. Guess that means another trip back.
Some big tropical looking plants - click on picture for larger view.
Another thing I like about this nursery is they still carry lots of the 4" or 5" pots. I've noticed the last couple of years that nurseries are carrying the larger pots and no more small ones. Not everyone wants a huge honkin' plant to start with. Not everyone can afford the price of the bigger ones and myself I figure if I kill it I won't have so much invested! And I do kill! But I do buy many plants in larger sizes if it's something I'm more familiar with or a really slow grower. They even had a nice selection of Heathers in a smaller size.
I love these varigated Irises - I had forgotten I saw them here before and they are so pretty.
Look at this big old jade plant - I didn't know they bloomed. I meant to ask how old it was and forgot - another trip I guess!
Well I'm off to pay - isn't this just the cutest little building? That Magnolia on the left is very definitely on my wish list - but not today.
I did buy a few flowers. I purchased Heuchera Snow Angel after seeing it the other day on Tina's In The Garden post. I am so happy I did too because the lady at the nursery said she won't be getting any more. She's tried everywhere and apparently Snow Angel doesn't make babies fast enough so they won't be selling her. Isn't that just like big business - she's not producing fast enough so she's outta here. I chose to get a Heuchera that I already have. I liked it more than all of the other choices so why not? Top left that pretty wine colored one is Plum Pudding. I also purchased a few dwarf Snapdragons. I'm really excited that although they are an annual and we had horrible weather all of the ones I bought last year are coming back - in fact they never really left! I also picked up a Sedum Purple Emperor which I kicked myself last year for not getting. Now it's mine! And a Veronica spicata 'Giles van Hees' which I hope gets a bit taller than they said. I didn't get the taller one because my purple one falls over all the time and my pink shorter one disappeared - it was the perfect size. Of course, the one that was perfect died and the purple 'fall on my face' one lives forever. Don't get me wrong I do like it when it's behaving itself or I wouldn't have it. Oh and a couple of little geraniums.

Fertilizer Friday - Flaunt Those Flowers!

It's Fertilizer Friday so be sure to go over and visit our hostess Tootsie and see what's blooming in everyone's gardens after fertilizing every Friday! And while you’re there why not join in on the fun.One of my favorite plants is Rose of Sharon 'Minerva' that I have to wait all summer to see her bloom. No, we didn't have more rain - I was watering before taking the pictures. Another angle.

A purple Hardy Lobelia
My little Begonia is turning white. Maybe I put it in too much shade.
Anyone know what this flower is? It just started growing under one of my Hostas.
One of my new plants this year Veronica spicata 'Giles van Hees' just starting to bloom.
Anyone know what this one is? It came up from some seeds I sprinkled. The foliage sort of resembles a fancy Lupine. It's just starting to bloom but I got anxious.
A little annual Dahlia.
I think I'll try to hold over this Geranium - it's so frilly and pretty.
Bob's little miniature rose that he babied on the deck so the deer wouldn't get it.

Fertilizer Friday - Flaunt Those Flowers!

It's Fertilizer Friday so be sure and go over and visit our hostess Tootsie and see what's blooming in everyone's gardens after fertilizing every Friday! And while you're there why not join in on the fun. Rose Of Sharon
Stargazer Lily
Germander with a bee
Horrible blury picture of my Black Knight Butterfly Bush but beautiful color.
Bachelor Button
Sedum Linda Windsor
Sedum Purple Emperor

Anyone know what this is? Red is so hard to get a clear picture of.

Seems every week a new little Viola shows up in a different color.

Moss And Ferns Everywhere

Driving home from an estate sale the other day there was this big branch sticking out almost to the road. It was covered with moss and the whole effect of this group of trees was very pretty. I decided I had to have a picture of it. I still haven't figured out why these trees are so covered in moss to start with because it's a very open area with lots of light. Guess the moss comes from the thickness of trees and brush behind. I got to looking closer and not only are they completely covered with moss but there are hundreds of little ferns growing out of the trees. Hmmm I'd never noticed that before.
Back in a little deeper are ferns growing out of the trunks and everywhere.
I drove a little more and there is a waterfall tucked back in the trees that I always like seeing on my way into town.
There are also a couple of places along the way where hundreds of ferns are growing out of this rock hill along side the road. No wonder I take the back roads rather than I-5. It's a much prettier and laid back trip into town when I go this way.
And the moss continues when I get home. I was so glad to see some posts on moss lately and how much everyone (almost everyone) loves it. I've read that they have quit fighting it in their lawns and buying expensive moss killers and love it growing on everything around their places. Yesterday I even got the recipe for a 'Moss Milkshake' to grow your own over at Tootsie Time. This is good because below you see what was once my really pretty mauve colored brick trimming my flowerbeds all around the house is now my really pretty moss covered brick . . .
Moss covered stumps (a couple we didn't remove) in my woodland garden and more moss covered bricks at the bottom.
Another mossy stump that my wheelbarrow sits on and moss at the bottom of the fir tree
It just goes on and on. We do draw the line on our roof and other important places we don't want rotted out but mostly we're pretty covered in moss around here surrounded by tall fir trees. I've gotta add that the fir needles that cover every square inch don't really do anything for me though. O'well I guess I can't have everything.

Went To Town To Find Some Blooms

I had to take my computer into town the other day for some repairs and decided that since nothing was blooming up here at my place I'd take some pictures down below so I'd have some color to enjoy. Being up higher my flowers bloom a couple of weeks behind everyone else. I had to drop a couple of antiques off at the shop and across the street was this nice color spot I thought I'd start off with. Love the ivy going up the old brick building. I couldn't resist this one - what a beautiful picture. It was a little too far away for me to see what the pink was blooming with the yellow daffodils.
Nice little Weeping Pussywillow tree I think. I love the trunk.
Now this one still looked brown, I'm just not sure and didn't want to walk over to it and be too obvious (like I wasn't obvious sitting there taking pictures). But I will definitely check back to see what colors will be happening in that show.
On my way home not too far from my place I saw this great picture - well it would have been great had they been a little closer and the car engine didn't have the slightest vibration, just enough to keep it a little blury. I know it isn't of flowers but I thought you'd enjoy seeing it.
On my way home not too far from my place I saw this great picture - well it would have been great had they been a little closer and the car engine didn't have the slightest vibration, just enough to keep it a little blury. I know it isn't of flowers but I thought you'd enjoy seeing it.

When I got even closer to home, about a block away I saw another herd but they were a little bit too far away to get any pictures.

Flaunt Those Flowers Fertilizer Friday

Today is Tootsies Flaunt Those Flowers Fertilizer Friday. So head over to Tootsie Time and see who's showing off their flowers today.
Looks like a Peony doesn't it? It's an Armeria like this.
This Dianthus Floral Lace Violet has one bloom on it - it's just starting and will bloom all summer I believe.
A Pink Hardy Geranium just starting to bloom.
Pretty isn't it - the purple one is starting too but I didn't get a picture yet.
Here's another Columbine blooming and I don't know it's name.
The Phlox are doing good - in spite of a kazillion fir needles.

My pink and white Lupine is opening - can't wait to see it - to see if it's the right color for starters! This one was new last year and apparently doesn't grow very fast. It's Rock Jasmine Androsace Sarmentosa. Anyone familiar with it? It's pretty and in my color so I had to have it.
My Spiderwort is starting to bloom. One of my favorites - in the fuchsia color is my real favorite but I love the 2 colors together even better.

One of my Weigelas is opening and I don't know the name of this one. It's just getting started.

Jacobs Ladder is finally blooming and I can smell the grape scent. It took long enough.
I thought it was kind of interesting that this cone fell from clear up in a fir tree and landed right in the middle of the Crocus looking like it was a big bloom. I guess this is a Crocus - I thought it was the one that bloomed early then layed around on the ground all summer looking like crap and then bloomed again in the fall. Maybe not.

Fertilizer Friday - What's Blooming?

It's Fertilizer Friday so be sure and go over and visit our hostess Tootsie and see what's blooming in everyone's gardens after fertilizing religiously every Friday! Join in on the fun while you're there too. This Columbine I don’t know the name of but notice how 2 blooms grow differently. One is looking straight ahead and the bottom one is pointed up.

Everytime I think I’ve shown Snow In Summer in full bloom, I haven’t! Now it’s blooming! And it really stands out next to the blue Lithodora and the hot pink Neon Star Dianthus

A little Weigela I started and put where I needed something good sized. It’s not even a foot tall but blooming really great!

The color isn’t quite as deep rose in the picture as our Peony really is but still pretty.

A beautiful white Iris a friend gave me last year. And a purple one below it.

The Siberian Irises are blooming in purple and lavender and I have 1 mauve colored one.

The Deer got Cardinal Song up by my greenhouse but yippee they missed this one in front of our house. They got it last year when I brought it home brand new with 20 or more blooms on it and would you believe every bloom came back? I was amazed!
This Columbine didn’t get shown yesterday in my new flowers. I bought it to replace the first one the deer ate. It’s the same style but not as bright color and also has a white bloom too. Are there 2 flowers mixed together like that other one? It’s called Origami Pink & White

The carnations are starting to bloom.
Last is my pink rhodie – by the time it’s in full bloom it looks like cotton candy but I didn’t catch it at the right time.

Fertilizer Friday . . .

It's Fertilizer Friday so be sure to go over and visit our hostess Tootsie and see what's blooming in everyone's gardens after fertilizing religiously every Friday! Join in on the fun while you're there too

A fuchsia colored Spiderwort - the purple one bloomed earlier - it was an experiement I put in a really bright location and they like part shade. The one in the sunny location is doing great so now I know I can put them just about anywhere.
Salvia May Night
Dwarf Snapdragons
Purple Spanish Lavender

This Snapdragon stayed green all winter and is now blooming great. My other 2 I had died back but came back growing on the old wood. Sure has me puzzled.

Sweet William 'Sooty'
Weigela not sure of name - this one is full size where my other I believe is a dwarf

Yellow Daylilies

Birdbaths All Over The Place . . .

I guess it seems kind of goofy to have all of these in a group but the birds use them all and sometimes at the same time. Just like department stores no waiting in line. There is another one in the group (of three) now. My tall mauve one sure needs cleaned after a dirty winter.
This one is a vintage mottled gray enamelware pan. An earlier post showed a robin thinking about a bath in this pan but it had been so cold he had to test the water first.

I have birdbaths everywhere and will be putting out more as I can find them. Most of them are old roasting pans – in fact a couple of them are old as dirt! This pretty little guy is a Western Tanager I caught in between dunks! A smaller blue speckled enamel roasting pan..
I decided to make a double decker out of this larger roasting pan.
Another double decker in the front of the house where I can watch them bathing from my kitchen window.
This is my busiest birdbath – maybe because it is the biggest. They love this one and sometimes wait in line to use it even though I have many more. My Mother gave it to me because she said it was what they bathed me in when they brought me home from the hospital. It sat in the garage for about a year and then I decided I needed to do something with it rather than have it sitting there on a shelf. That’s when I decided it would make a great birdbath. We put it in a place that we can sit at the table having our coffee or outside sitting on the deck and watch them bathe.

More Wildflowers Close By . . .

I'm going to start off with one I already showed in my last wildflower post but this is a different area. I showed a place that had 100's or 1000's of Yellow Flags, or wild Irises. It was the biggest showing. I had passed this place on my way to town but kept forgetting to look at it. Well, the other day I did and it has to be 2 or 3 times as big as the other place. I had to take 2 pictures to get most of it. Wonder how many thousands of Wild Irises are blooming here. The other half of the same place.
I kept seeing these orange flowers blooming on our road.
The neighbor said they are Wild Honeysuckles.
I found a nice close one back by the fence and it's growing up in the neighbors tree.
I don't know what this one is - maybe one of you do. It's growing in with my Forget Me Nots and Bob was nice enough to leave it there when weeding. I'm getting that boy trained real good!
The Wild Lupines are just about finished blooming now.
These aren't far from our place.
But heading into town on Interstate Five is this huge area of them blooming. I cut them off on top because of all the unsightly equipment right above them. But you can see what a great show they are putting on for people travelling by.
I guess these are a different wild Rose.
There are big shows of them everywhere around here.

Is This Strange? A Huge Wisteria Tree?

While driving one day I spotted this tree - it looked like a huge Wisteria - but a tree? When I stopped to get pictures it looked like it was wound around one pole and then wired or roped to an old telephone pole or something. There must be a tree there too because the Wisteria is also going out on the sides like it has branches. I had to be pretty fast because I really didn't want to cause a wreck just to get a picture of this. The same place also has a huge Wisteria vine growing up their house. Anyway I thought this was something unusual to get a picture of for you to see.

Be sure and click on the picture so you can see how they connected it alot closer.

A Friends Yard - Great Wisterias

I thought it would be fun to take pictures of a friends yard. It's a really laid back place to spend an afternoon relaxing and watching the birds.

This is the first of 2 huge Wisteria vines. This one, in her front yard is a pink one. A closer shot of the flowers - click to see it even closer.
A Weeping Cherry
Siberian Irises, Columbines and Sedums.
Her wall of bird houses and other things.
The Wisteria in her back yard is purple and draped over a building they put in as a shaded sitting area where you can relax and enjoy the pond in front of it.
A red Maple of some kind - she wasn't sure but looks very much like my Crimson King Maple.
She's like me and plants Semps and Sedums in a number of different things.
And more . . . I didn't take pictures of the pond because they are re-doing it. They've had so much trouble with racoons and other critters eating their fish and destroying everything around the pond they've had to change it.
A primitive little bench.
Some hanging baskets she made in her greenhouse.
She gave me a Wisteria seed of the purple - later she gave me more seeds of the pink. In only a couple of weeks this had grown about 5 inches until the deer came and decided they wanted to chew it off. They stop at nothing - even the tiniest plant!
Then she said she had something to show me next door. We went over to her neighbors house and there was the prettiest Wisteria she had trained to be a small tree. It is just beautiful and the answer to the problem of what to do with mine. I didn't really want the heavy weight climbing on anything around here. Now I can have a pink one and a purple one!
Here's a lighter shot from another angle where you can see it better. She said the branches shoot out on their own making it like a tree.

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